miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008


Microsoft Narrator

Walking around
there's nowhere to go
there's nobody here
there's nothing to do

The boredom I feel
is surpasing me
then, look, the PC
the amusement I need

I know it's silly,
but this stuff is good, you know
just type some phrases
and the fun is guaranteed

Oh yeah, it's the MI-CRO-SOFT NARRATOR

You can criticise,
but deep in your soul
your diying to type
"shit", "bitch" and "whore"

your laugh will be heard
so far in the earth
your folks will suspect
that you're into crack

I know it's silly
but this stuff is good, you know
just type some phrases
and the fun it's guaranteed

Oh, yeah, it's teh MI-CRO-SOFT NARRATOR

Espero que llene el vacío que hay en vuestras vidas

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Cielo santo, ¡rima y todo! Ya lo estás registrando en la Propiedad Intelectual, que seguro que algún grupillo de electro post-moderno (coughEdBangercough) te lo roba.
Qué grandes obras surgen en la mente de las grandes gentes.

flordesombra dijo...

Es un honor que os agrade mi excelsa obra. Un honor para vosotros, quiero decir.
La siguiente será Necesary, para sacar mi lado emo (sin que me peguen los punkies, please)